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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Finals. Blah.

I'm already doing a not-so-good job at keeping up with this blog.  My bad.

It's about that time of year for finals.....again.  Oh the joys: empty, crushed cans of Red Bull piled in the corners of rooms, full cans of Red Bull in mini-fridges calling the names of their owners, textbooks, novels, notes, Sparknotes, 5-Hour Energy, highlighters, the jail-turned walls of libraries, [adderall,] half empty bags of Doritos, Ramem noodles, Monster, left-over pizza, [adderall,] late nights, the annoying buzz/rings of alarm clocks on early mornings, review/cram sessions, learning/re-learning, [adderall,] and the list goes on.

Meanwhile most of the mind's attention seems to be less on the study material and more on those little voices that we don't like to admit exist in our heads that say things such as, "This better be worth it," "Why am I in school?" "I hate school," "I didn't learn shit," "Why is everyone done with school but me!?" and so on and so forth.

What do you know?  What did you memorize?  What did you forget?  Why do you know what you know, memorize what you do just for an exam, and forget the things you forget?  Well, I can't answer that; but if you think about it I'm sure you can come up with some answers for yourself.

I don't really have much else to say about finals except, "You can do it!".................I'll get back to studying now.

*Note: This was posted on May 11th, 2011; Blogger had technical difficulties that ended up deleting all posts put up that day.  They finally recovered it, and here it is for those who never got to read it.*